Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2–12 Jan 2018
Skeikampen, Norway
Europe/Oslo timezone
The theme 'indico-weeks-view' does not exist.


The conference will take place at the Thon Hotel in Skeikampen, Norway. Skeikampen is a traditional Norwegian ski resort, where the first cross-country tourists arrived in 1895 and the first ski lift was built in 1959. The place is quite close to Lillehammer, the 1994 Winter Olympic Games location. See for general information about the Skeikampen resort.




Oslo Winter School «Standard Model, Quantum Chromodynamics,

Heavy Ion Collisions»

Dear participants,

We are looking forward to welcome you at Oslo Winter School «Standard Model, Quantum Chromodynamics, Heavy Ion Collisions», which will be held in Skeikampen Resort near Oslo, Norway, between 2-12 January 2018.

The Circular provides a detailed guide to the conference, its scientific and social programmes and is intended to help you to organise your trip to Winter School.

School page:

The school is running in parallel to conference

Spåtind 2018 – 25th Nordic Conference on Particle Physics

2-7 January 2018 Skeikampen, Norway

Conference program:

The overview lectures of the Conference will be a part of the School program.

Travel Arrangements

Bus transport is arranged from/to Oslo Airport Gardermoen on Tuesday January 2nd, Sunday January 7th and Friday January 12th, 2018. There will be several buses with 50 seats each.
The first bus leaves Gardermoen on January
2nd at 9:30, the second bus leaves at 2pm, and the third bus leaves at 5pm. Don't miss this bus! On the Sunday 7th January and Friday 12th both buses leave Skeikampen at 8am and arrive at Gardermoen before noon. You can select which bus you would prefer to take when you register.

We highly recommend that you try to arrive at the airport in time to catch one of the arranged buses. However, if this proves impossible, here are the alternatives:

  • If you arrive after 5pm on the 2nd January (or you plan to arrive on a later day), you will need to take a train from Oslo Lufhavn (the airport station) to Lillehammer. Please see for timetables. To get to Skeikampen, you will then need to take a public bus - the relevant timetable from Lillehammer to Skeikampen can be found here: Note that there are no buses from Lillehammer to Skeikampen after 4:15pm. So, those who arrive too late will either have to stay in Oslo until the day after or arrange their own taxi.

  • If you like to visit Oslo center, you can reach it from the airport via the train (tog):

  • Skeikampen is a ski resort. It will be 3 hours everyday available for skiing.

Rent of the skies for 9 days is 675,90/980 NOK for cross-country skies level 1/2 and for down-hill skies 980 NOK + 200 NOK/day for lift. If we prepare a list who will rent which skies until 29.12 they will give us 15-20% discount.

Breakfast 7:30-10:00 Sat/Sun 8:00-10:30 lunch 13:00-14:30 Dinner 19:00-21:30


Taxi: Gausdal Taxi : +47 61 22 02 08

Tel: Skeikampen : Hotellvegen 3, 2652 Svingvoll Phone: +47 61 28 50 00

Tel: Larissa Bravina: +47 97549386, Evgeny Zabrodin: +47 97546706


We kindly ask each participant to bring two bottles of good wine, chocolate, nuts, some small presents for the conference dinner and other celebrations. Alcohol and tobacco quotas for bringing to Norway can be found here: Please be sure that you do not exceed the quota! This is a strong customs requirement.

Please check, do you have

Passport, visa, invitation, ticket, insurance, student card

If not please contact urgently

Don't forget to buy & print health insurance,

Check-in on-line and print your boarding pass in advance