14–17 Feb 2018
Other Institutes
America/Mexico_City timezone

Scientific Programme

The intention of this school is to bring the knowledge to not experience students, giving them access to the state of the art of RPC Detectors.

Many experts from different countries and experiments will bring and share their experience to allow students to understand the principles and physics of RPC detectors.

Students will be able to manipulate an RPC, simulate, acquire data, analyze it and reconstruct the basic performance and characteristics of an RPC.

Possible participation of the following experts in the area are:

  • Crispin Williams, ALICE
  • Giulio Aielli, ATLAS
  • Rignaldo Santonico, ATLAS
  • Gabriella Publiese, CMS
  • Andrey Korytov, CMS
  • Alexis Fagot, U. Ghent (DAQ)
  • Muon Detector Fundamental Session

  • DAQ & Simulation Session

  • RPC Lab Detector Session

  • RPC Applications, Present & Future Detectors