W1-1 Pattern Formation and Statistical Mechanics of Non-Equilibrium Systems (DCMMP) | Formation de motif et mécanique statistique des systèmes hors d'équilibre (DPMCM)
- Stephen Morris (University of Toronto)
We have studied chimera and chimera-like states in populations of photochemically coupled Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) oscillators. Simple chimeras and chimera states with multiple and traveling phase clusters, phase-slip behavior, and chimera-like states with phase waves are described. Simulations with a realistic model of the discrete BZ system of populations of homogeneous and heterogeneous...
Icicles are an ideal test-case for understanding the free-boundary shape of "wet" ice growth. Icicles observed in nature and the laboratory often exhibit ribs or ripples with a wavelength close to 1cm around their circumference. Previous experiments on laboratory-grown icicles have shown that the existence of these ripples depends on the presence of (very small) concentrations of impurities in...
The total energy of acoustic emission (AE) events in externally stressed materials diverges when approaching macroscopic failure. Avalanche models explain this accelerated seismic release (ASR) as the approach to a critical point that coincides with ultimate failure. However, not all empirical mechanical processes are critical at failure. As a case study, we show how the soft uniaxial...
abstract: In the first part of the talk, I will discuss a new agent-based model of wealth distribution in a society which incorporates spatial information. The key feature of the model is formation of wealth "hot-spots", region in space where wealth is concentrated. The continuum limit of this model leads an interesting integral equation.
In the second part of the talk, I discuss how a...
We have shown that collagen fibrils have a preferred equilibrium fibril radius. However, the radial distribution of fibrils in tissues is typically polydisperse. Tendon fibrils in particular can exhibit a bimodal distribution of radii within the same tissue. This suggests non-equilibrium effects are important in fibril formation. To investigate these effects, we applied 2d coarsening dynamics...