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29 April 2018 to 11 May 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Projects and supervisors

Students & Project split


   Projects Supervisors Main Place of work  Description Requirements    Students  
1 Secondary Beams and Experimental Areas

Lau Gatignon



Some visits to beam lines and experimental areas (if dosimeter ok)

- Understand beam transport of last part of proton beam (P42) to the T10 production target for the NA62 beam. Have a look at small optics modification to focus protons on a new beam dump position for a future dark matter search proposal.

- Modify the last part of the P42 beam to change the angle of incidence of the beam on the T10 target from 0 or 2.4 mrad to 8 mrad and adjust the focusing onto the T10 target. This would serve the KLEVER experiment.

- If time is left, understand the KLEVER neutral beam and its collimation scheme and draw up details of the collimation scheme.


Thijs Hoevenaars

Sjoerd Reinhoudt

2 CERN Central Cryogenic Laboratory (CryoLab)

Johan Bremer


165 After having been briefed on the safety in cryogenics, an introduction to cryogenics and especially to heat transfer at low temperatures will be given. The students shall then prepare a test set-up on heat transfer measurements at liquid nitrogen temperatures, and perform foreseen measurements.
These experiments are followed by an introduction to superfluid helium and superconductive magnets. With the help of specialized personnel a glass cryotstat shall be cooled to liquid helium temperatures (-269 C), after which the bath shall be lowered to superfluid helium temperatures. Some particular phenomena’s of superfluid helium shall be observed and the superconducting transition temperature of a magnet placed in the helium bath shall be measured.
Test reports and an end of the project presentation shall be prepared with help from the laboratory collaborators.


Matthijs van de Poel

Koen de Vries

Twan Terpstra

3 Vacuum Coatings

Wil Vollenberg



Thin films are widely used for components for particle accelerators. The aim of coatings is to modify the surface characteristics of an object. Coatings are performed by Physical Vapour Deposition. Quality control of the deposited thin films includes Surface Analysis, adhesion tests and thickness measurement.

A new portable thickness measurement unit is acquired and should be calibrated.


During the stage we will perform several coatings, measure the thickness with our portable unit and compare it with measurements that will be done with our existing equipment, as reference measurement.


Tijs Aarts

Peter Jongenburger

Thijs Vernooij

4 Beam quality throughout the LHC injector chain

Bettina Mikulec


Frank Tecker


Verena Kain



The LHC injector chain is responsible for producing high brightness and high quality beam for the LHC. The beam brightness is directly related to the number of collisions that will take place in the LHC experiments.


The aim of the project is to learn about the beam production and concepts such as transverse emittance and beam brightness. In a second stage you will make various beam quality measurements and calculate the beam brightness with the aim to identify potential areas of brightness degradation along the LHC injector chain.


Jasmijn Tromp

Wiebe Flamman


Alberto Rodriguez


Erwin Siesling


508 ISOLDE Operation and isotope resonance peak searches. Dosimeter

Veerle Hoedemaker

Romme van der Kemp

Jochanan Maaijen

6 Particle Physics in CMS

Martijn Mulders


Peter Meiring


Introduction to the basics of physics analysis at the CMS
experiment. We will analyze millions of collisions produced by the
Large Hadron Collider in 2017 to search
  for special elementary particles and measure their properties. Some
of the real tools used by physicists to visualize and analyze the CMS
data are used.

  Ratio of physics/engineering/computing content of the project : 60% - 0% - 40%
  Computing: basic knowledge of Linux and programming (C++ or Python)
would be beneficial

CMS computer account

Maurits van Altvorst

Reinier de Waard

Gijs Pennings

Annemarijn Zwerver

Leander van Wijlick

7 Simulation code optimisation

Fons Rademakers,


Maarten Litmaath


513 Simulation codes.  

Annejan van den Dool

Jard van Roest

Renze Vroom

8 Superconducting Detector Magnet Design

Erwin Bielert


582 Superconductivity plays a major role in the technologies applied at CERN. From coatings in RF cavities, to bending and focussing magnets in the LHC, but also huge detector magnet systems, like the solenoid in CMS and the solenoid and toroid systems in ATLAS. In the ATLAS magnet group, people are working on several new concepts for future detector magnets. The students will get introduced to the basic concepts in magnet design, but will also perform some measurements to better understand the behavior of superconducting materials in the form of tapes and cables. Numerical analysis will be performed for a feasibility study of such systems.  

Daniel Norbart

Tim van Dijk

Ole Grootes