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6 July 2018
Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool
Europe/London timezone

Industry opportunities in accelerator facilities

6 Jul 2018, 14:45
Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool

Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool

Kings Dock Liverpool Waterfront L3 4FP UK


Dr Peter Mcintosh


Particle accelerators not only provide powerful research tools for the exploration of matter, or understanding the properties of materials at the atomic level, but they are also used to manage our health, ensure our security, advance our manufacturing capability, enable safer energy production and improve our environmental efficiency. Practical utilisation of particle accelerators is advancing and more applications are being pursued, with a remit to make such platforms more compact, simpler, combining functionality and adopting novel and more advanced accelerator technologies. My overview will highlight how particle accelerators in industry are currently utilised, giving examples of how such developments have been realised at accelerator facilities across Europe and also provide some indication for how future industrial applications are projected to evolve.

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