Nov 19 – 23, 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

LNF High Energy Building

LNF - High Energy Building

The EuPRAXIA Yearly Meeting 2018 and 4th Collaboration Week will take place on November 19th – 23rd, 2018 at the INFN-LNF, Frascati (RM), Italy.

During the Yearly Meeting (Monday and Tuesday) all participants will have the chance to meet and update each other on work progress. The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) will convene and give scientific guidance to EuPRAXIA.

In addition, the Collaboration Board (CB) Meeting in which all partners are represented will vote on upcoming decisions. The possibility for individual work package (WP) meetings will be given during the second part of the Collaboration Week (Wednesday and Thursday). The focus will be WP meetings across different WPs with common topics or interfaces.

A final session (Thursday afternoon) will bring together the whole collaboration again, to discuss the outcomes from the Yearly Meeting, the SAC input, WP meetings, outstanding topics, problems and plans for the next period. On Friday satellite meetings (EURONNAC and EAAC2019 Organizing Committee) are foreseen.

Registration deadline 2nd November 2018.



Massimo Ferrario
Manuela Giabbai
Martina Luciani
Alberto Marocchino
Tom Minniberger
Ruth Mundt
Fabio Villa
Andreas Walker

Via Enrico Fermi 40 Frascati (RM) Italy

Registration by invitation only!

Please book your hotel individually. More information about accommodation and hotels that offer daily shuttle bus service to LNF can be found here

If you require internet access, please follow this link

For those staying in Rome and arriving at the LNF by train, as shown on the LNF Area Map there is a turnstile (secondary entrance to LNF) closer to Tor Vergata train station and closer to the Meeting Venue. It will be exceptionally open daily according to the meeting beginning and ending (see Venue map).