10–13 Sept 2018
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)
Europe/Sarajevo timezone

ROOT 6 on Windows (finally)

12 Sept 2018, 10:00
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

7, Bistrik Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina https://goo.gl/maps/Ct9jKrSER4z


Bertrand Bellenot (CERN)


After (too) many years without any ROOT 6 release on Windows, we got our first preview release of ROOT 6 on Windows (6.14/00) and Visual Studio 2017. This presentation will expose some of the issues we had, what is the current status, what is missing, what has to be done to port ROOT on Windows 64 bit (horizon 2020?), and more generally what people should think of in order to write portable code.

Primary author

Presentation materials