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10–13 Sept 2018
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)
Europe/Sarajevo timezone

Asynchronous, parallel computations for complex simulation tasks in ROOT.

10 Sept 2018, 14:00
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

7, Bistrik Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dr Jochen Kerdels (FernUniversität in Hagen)


The simulation of complex systems can involve a high degree of dependencies and interaction between different parts of the simulation. A standard approach to handle these dependencies is the use of a double-buffered global state where all components of the simulation are processed synchronously in lockstep. Parallelization of such an approach has the drawback that it requires a synchronization point, e.g., a barrier, for each step of the simulation. This essentially introduces a part of the simulation that is non-parallelizable resulting in a limit of the achievable speed-up as described by Amdahl's law. One alternative solution that avoids this problem is asynchronous processing where the synchronization between different parts of the simulation is encapsulated by a set of independent local buffers. In this presentation I showcase the design and use of such a simulation approach (implemented with the ROOT framework) that is used for the development of computational models of neurons in the mammalian cortex.

Primary author

Dr Jochen Kerdels (FernUniversität in Hagen)

Presentation materials