7–9 May 2018
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Georgi-Machacek Model Beyond Tree Level

8 May 2018, 15:30
G-29 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM III


Prof. Cheng-Wei Chiang (National Taiwan University)


Renormalization for the Georgi-Machacek model is performed based on the on-shell scheme with the use of the minimal subtraction scheme only for the $hhh$ vertex. We explicitly show the gauge dependence in the counterterms of the scalar mixing parameters in the general $R_\xi$ gauge, and that the dependence can be removed by using the pinch technique in physical scattering processes. We then discuss the possible allowed deviations in these one-loop corrected Higgs couplings from the standard model predictions by scanning model parameters under the constraints of perturbative unitarity and vacuum stability as well as those from experimental data.

Primary author

Prof. Cheng-Wei Chiang (National Taiwan University)


Ms An-Li Kuo (National Central University) Prof. Kei Yagyu (Seikei University)

Presentation materials