We consider a simplified model of dark matter, taken to be a Majorana fermion, coupling to quarks via colored scalar mediators. The spin independent dark matter-nucleon cross-section vanishes at tree level. In order to calculate direct detection constraints, we calculate, the 1-loop leading order contributions to the spin independent cross-section, also performing RG evolution of the wilson...
We examine the charged lepton flavor violating process $g g \rightarrow \mu \tau$ at the $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV LHC. Operators generating this process can be induced by new physics at dimension 8. Despite the power suppression associated with dimension 8 operators, we show that the LHC's large gluon luminosity makes it possible to probe this channel. For an integrated luminosity of 100 fb$^{−1}$...
We investigate various scenarios of fermion mass generation in $SO(5)\times U(1)$ models of gauge-Higgs unification, where the Higgs field is a composite Goldstone boson of a new strong sector. If the top quark is the main driving force of EWSB, the parameters of the $(t,b)_L$ doublet are strongly constrained by Z pole observables. The hierarchical mass ratio between the top and bottom quark...
New physics has traditionally been expected in the high-pT region at high-energy collider experiments. If new particles are light and weakly-coupled, however, this focus may be completely misguided: light particles are typically highly concentrated within a few mrad of the beam line, allowing sensitive searches with small detectors, and even extremely weakly-coupled particles may be produced...
Renormalization for the Georgi-Machacek model is performed based on the on-shell scheme with the use of the minimal subtraction scheme only for the $hhh$ vertex. We explicitly show the gauge dependence in the counterterms of the scalar mixing parameters in the general $R_\xi$ gauge, and that the dependence can be removed by using the pinch technique in physical scattering processes. We then...
Model building within the Randall-Sundrum (RS) framework generally involves placing the Standard Model fields in the bulk. Such fields may possess non-zero values for their associated brane-localized kinetic terms (BLKTs) in addition to possible bulk mass parameters. In this talk we clearly identify the regions of the RS model parameter space where the presence of bulk mass terms and BLKTs...