21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Deuteron production from phase-space coalescence in the GSI/FAIR energy regime

22 May 2018, 13:45
Sukhothai Room

Sukhothai Room

Oral High Energy and Particle Physics A12: High Energy Physics


Ms Sukanya Sombun (Suranaree University of Technology)


UrQMD phase-space coalescence calculations for the production of deuterons are compared with available data for various reactions in the GSI/FAIR energy regime. It is found that the production process of deuterons, as reflected in their rapidity and transverse momentum distributions in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions at beam energy starting from 1A GeV, are in good agreement with experimental data. In addition we explore the energy dependence of the d/p ratio up to beam energies of $ E_{lab}=160$A GeV and $\overline{\mathrm{d}}/\overline{\mathrm{p}}$ up to $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 7000$ GeV. A good description of the data, comparable to thermal model estimates, is observed. Most importantly this good description is based only on a single set of coalescence parameters.

Primary author

Ms Sukanya Sombun (Suranaree University of Technology)


Ms Kristiya Tomuang ( Naresuan University) Dr Ayut Limphirat (Suranaree University of Technology) Ms Paula Hillmann (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies) Dr Christoph Herold (Suranaree University of Technology) Dr Jan Steinheimer (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies) Prof. Yupeng Yan (Suranaree University of Technology) Prof. Marcus Bleicher (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)

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