A15: Atomics
- Ketwalee ํYongram ( Naresuan University)
- ์Nattapong Yongram (Naresuan Univeristy)
A15: Atomics
- Thana James Sutthibutpong
Isentropic compressibility is important injection timing of liquid fuel. The isentropic compressibility of biodiesels are correlated to number of carbon atoms, number of double bond(s) and temperature. In this work, an empirical approach for isentropic compressibility of biodiesels can be estimated by using saponification number (SN) and iodine value (IV). The proposed equations are easy to...
An open system, which consists of the decay of the excited state of two two-level atoms due to the stimulated emission of photons, has been studied in the quantum operator formalism. The Kraus operators are constructed to describe the time evolution of the composite system in terms of the interaction Hamiltonian between atoms and the electric field (a vacuum cavity that can generate photons)....
Alternative Hamiltonians yielding Newton’s equation which expressed in 1-parameter family are studied. These Hamiltonians called Newton’s equivalent Hamiltonians (NEH) give the same Newton’s equation. After quantization and a suitable ordering, a 1-parameter family Newton’s equivalent quantum Hamiltonians (NEQH) is introduced. The property of NEQH is that as limit of parameter...
We study Hamiltonian of one-parameter family yielding the Newton equation. In particular, we are interested in its prescription for quantum harmonic oscillator. A modified perturbation theory is used to evaluate the spectra and the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian. Spectra we obtain seem to agree with those of the usual Hamiltonian. We also study this Hamiltonian with additional term $\alpha...
Entangled photons are important resources for quantum information. Especially, in quantum cryptography, the polarization entangled photons are highly secure. However, the entanglement of photon can hold in isolated system. In realistic system, the entangled photons inevitably interact with environment. In this work, we study the effect of depolarizing noise on the two entangled qubits. The...
We present the precise calculation of the Stark effect of Rydberg states of Barium atoms using the empirical values of the energy states of Barium in the perturbed Hamiltonian. We construct the Stark map by diagonalizing the total Hamiltonian to the first order to get the eigenenergies in the static field. We compare the calculated results with the experimental Stark map of Barium atoms...
We investigate a new method for qubit state tomography [1] based on limited resources of continuous weak measurement [2] and qubit controls. As in many qubit experiments, such as in superconducting circuits, the qubit measurement could practically be done with only a few observables, e.g., continuously measuring $\sigma_{z}$ observable of a superconducting qubit [3]. To determine a full...
The calculation of relativistic quantum wave function and energy levels of a muonic atom are performed in this work. We begin by solving the Dirac equation using the Notre Dame basis (ND) method with the Coulomb potential. The obtained results agree very well with other methods [1]. We improved the leading correction terms with a finite charge distribution from a nucleus atom and vacuum...
Quantum transport in a neutral atom guide provides intriguing quantum effects that are important aspects in designing atom mechatronic structures such as quantum interferometer, pump, valve, and amplifier structures. We investigate applicability of spatial reduction in temporal auto-correlation function to reduce computational resources in finding eigen-energy inside the guide. We find that we...
Introduction of an absorption boundary to an atom guide enriches the guide’s transport properties. However, if the initial wave packet contains broad energy spectrum that includes scattering states, a complex boundary essentially changes the composition of the system's energy-eigen spectrum. Our study focuses on finding a pattern of energy spectra that governs the evolution of the system. In...
Density is important physical property of a liquid. In this work, correlation of density of fatty acids (FA) is correlated to the Martin’s rule of free energy additivity for estimated density from either (1) its number of carbon atoms (of fatty acid, z) and number of double bonds (nd) or (2) its saponification number (SN) and iodine value (IV). Data collected from literatures were used to...