22–27 Jul 2018
US/Eastern timezone

SuperCDMS Detector Performance and Early Science from CUTE

23 Jul 2018, 14:20
117 (MacMillian)



Brown University Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Talk Directional Detection 1.3 Direct Detection


Tsuguo Aramaki (Columbia University) Tsuguo Aramaki (SLAC)


The SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment will search for low-mass dark matter particles at SNOLAB, the deep underground laboratory near Sudbury Ontario Canada. The new generation of SuperCDMS germanium and silicon detectors will be tested for functionality in facilities operated by the SuperCDMS collaboration in laboratories above ground. However, the background radiation in these facilities is very high. Prior to deployment in the experiment, some of the detectors will therefore be operated in the Cryogenic Underground TEst facility (CUTE) at SNOLAB, which will enable performance tests that cannot be accomplished in a high-background environment. It is also expected to provide the possibility to explore some new dark matter parameter space in the low-mass region. In this talk, I will present the current status of the SuperCDMS SNOLAB detectors, as well as the goals and potential scientific reach of the measurements performed at CUTE.


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