1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
2.3 Direct Detection
Richard Schnee
(South Dakota School of Mines & Technology)
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
The future PICO programme
Carsten Krauss
(University of Alberta)
2:20 PM
A combined energy scale for WIMP searches in liquid argon with the DarkSide-50 detector
Luca Pagani
(UC Davis)
2:40 PM
DARWIN – The Ultimate WIMP Detector
- Dr
Fabian Kuger
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
3:00 PM
Sub-GeV Dark Matter Results from a Single Electron-Hole-Pair SuperCDMS Detector
- Dr
Noah Kurinsky
3:20 PM
Results on sub-GeV dark matter direct detection with LUX Run 3 data by using Bremsstrahlung and Migdal-effect signal
Junsong Lin
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
3:40 PM
The Spin-independent analysis of one tonne-year of XENON1T data
Knut Morå
2:00 PM
2.4 Theory
Louis Strigari
(Texas A&M)
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Looking for ultra light axion-like particles in the CMB
Vivian Poulin
2:20 PM
Generalised dark matter and diminishing the low CMB multipole tension
- Ms
Tanvi Karwal
(Johns Hopkins University)
2:40 PM
Sexaquark and other uds-quark Dark Matter
Glennys Farrar
3:00 PM
Atomic Aspects of Light Dark Matter Searches
- Prof.
Cheng-Pang Liu
(National Dong Hwa University)
3:20 PM
Complementarity for Dark Sector Bound States
Yotam Soreq
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
3:40 PM
Probing Velocity Dependent Self Intereacting Dark Matter with Neutrino Telescopes.
- Prof.
Ivone Albuquerque
(University of Sao Paulo)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
2.5 Direct Detection
Philippe DiStefano
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Background analysis in a one tonne-year dark matter search of XENON1T
- Dr
Fei Gao
(Columbia University)
4:50 PM
First results of high voltage breakdown studies with XeBrA
Lucie Tvrznikova
5:10 PM
Simulations for the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment
- Prof.
Vitaly Kudryavtsev
(Sheffield University)
5:30 PM
Production and high voltage testing of the LZ detector grids
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5:50 PM
Measurements of electron extraction efficiency and low-energy electron recoil response in a two-phase xenon time projection chamber
Ethan Bernard
(University of California, Berkeley Physics Dept.)
6:10 PM
Phase 2 Upgrades for the HAYSTAC Axion Experiment
Kelly Backes
(Yale University)
4:30 PM
2.6 Theory
Samuel McDermott
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Dark Matter Axion Condensates: Stability and Astrophysical Properties
- Dr
Enrico Schiappacasse
(Institute of Cosmology - Tufts University)
4:50 PM
Early- and Late-Time Scattering of Dark Matter and Baryons in Cosmology
Kimberly Boddy
(Johns Hopkins University)
5:10 PM
Complete CMB Constraints for Millicharged Dark Matter
Daniel Pfeffer
5:30 PM
Inhomogeneous initial conditions and the start of inflation
Patrick Fitzpatrick
(Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
5:50 PM
Dark decay of the neutron
Jonathan Cornell
(McGill University)
6:10 PM
Dark matter and WIMPy baryogenesis in Scotogenic Model
Sin Kyu Kang
6:30 PM
--- --- Free Time --- (You deserve it) ---
7:55 PM
--- Shuttle from MacMillan to Ladd Observatory ---
8:00 PM
--- LADD Observatory - Pizza and Drinks (210 Doyle St, Providence, RI 02906) ---