22–27 Jul 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Development of Cryogenic Thermal Detectors for Sub-GeV Dark Matter

26 Jul 2018, 14:40
117 (MacMillian)



Brown University Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Poster Direct Detection 4.3 Direct Detection


H Douglas Pinckney (Northwestern University)


An important topic in dark matter research is the search for sub-GeV dark matter. Direct detection searches for sub-GeV dark matter can be conducted through scattering on Silicon nuclei utilizing a detector with energy threshold on the order of 10 eV. This low threshold can be achieved by thermalizing a Transition-Edge Sensor (TES) based detector with gram scale silicon absorbers. This poster describes the design of a 10 eV threshold TES based detector as well as recent fabrication and testing progress.

Primary author

H Douglas Pinckney (Northwestern University)


Clarence Chang (Argonne National Lab) Prof. Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano (Northwestern University) Gensheng Wang (Argonne NAtional Laboratory) Dr Noemie Bastidon (Northwestern University) Dr Valentine Novosad (Argonne National Lab) Dr Volodymyr Yefremenko (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Ziqing Hong (Northwestern University)

Presentation materials