9:00 AM
Junjie Zhu
(University of Michigan (US))
Aaron Pierce
(University of Michigan)
9:10 AM
Status of NLO/NNLO QCD calculations for multi-boson processes
Radja Boughezal
(Argonne National Laboratory)
9:55 AM
Electroweak corrections in VBS and multi-boson and VBScan MC comparison
Marco Zaro
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
10:40 AM
Coffee break
11:10 AM
Results for charged diboson channels (including aTGCs)
Saptaparna Bhattacharya
(Northwestern University (US))
9:00 AM
Dimensional-8 operators, EFT validity and unitarization
Jürgen Reuter
(DESY Hamburg, Germany)
9:45 AM
Results on triboson proudction (including aQGCs)
Shu Li
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN) & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (CN))
10:30 AM
Coffee break
11:00 AM
Results on VBS-VV production for charged diboson channels (including aQGCs)
Elena Yatsenko
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN) & Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN))
11:45 AM
Results on VBS-VV production for neutral diboson channels (including aQGCs)
Kenneth Long
(University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
9:00 AM
Connection to Higgs EFT
Dorival Gonçalves
(University of Pittsburgh)
9:45 AM
Results on VBF-V and VBF-H production (including aTGCs) from the LHC
Sabine Wedam Lammers
(Indiana University (US))
10:30 AM
Coffee break
11:00 AM
Results on VH and HH production (including aTGCs) from the LHC
Michael David Krohn
(University of Minnesota (US))
11:45 AM
H->VV differential measurement
Haijun Yang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))
2:00 PM
Results for neutral diboson channels (including aTGCs)
Bing Li
(University of Michigan (US))
2:45 PM
Precision measurement with diboson at the LHC
Da Liu
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3:15 PM
Coffee break
3:45 PM
EFT in di(multi-)bosons
Andrea Wulzer
4:30 PM
Status of Sherpa event generator
Stefan Hoeche
4:55 PM
Status of WHIZARD event generator
Jürgen Reuter
(DESY Hamburg, Germany)
6:00 PM
Welcome reception (337 West Hall)
2:00 PM
Generalized tri-boson signals from a warped extra dimension
Kaustubh Agashe
(University of Maryland)
2:45 PM
BSM relevant for multi-boson physics
Ian Lewis
(The University of Kansas)
3:30 PM
Coffee break
4:00 PM
Search for aQGCs in combinations of multi-boson interactions
Jessica Metcalfe
(Argonne National Laboratory (US))
4:20 PM
New physics results (non-boosted signatures) from the LHC
Takuya Nobe
(University of Tokyo (JP))
5:05 PM
New physics results (boosted signatures) from the LHC
Jordan Damgov
(Texas Tech University (US))
5:50 PM
Status of MadGraph5 event generator
- Dr
Ambresh Shivaji
(UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve)
7:00 PM
Workshop dinner (341 S Main St, Ann Arbor)
2:00 PM
Prospects for multi-boson physics at future colliders
Tao Han
(University of Pittsburgh)
2:45 PM
Future colliders
Philipp Roloff
3:30 PM
Coffee break
3:50 PM
Conference summary
R. Sekhar Chivukula
(Michigan State University)