Welcome. The workshop aims at bringing together experts in string and SUGRA theory, focusing on general recent developments. The first edition of this Conference took place in Kyoto (2017).
Topics include:
- Microstate geometries
- Black holes in supergravity
- Vacua (in)stabilities
- Exotic extended objects
- Geometry for T- and U-dualities
- Non-Abelian T-dualities
- Non-geometric string backgrounds
- Integrable deformations
- Holography
Speakers include:
- Igor Bandos
- Iosif Bena
- Eric Bergshoeff
- Leron Borsten
- Giuseppe Dibitetto
- Michael Duff
- Adolfo Guarino
- Alessio Marrani
- Tomás Ortín
- Carlos Shahbazi
- David Turton
- Kentaroh Yoshida
(*) to be confirmed
Organising & Scientific Committee:
- Jose J. Fernández-Melgarejo (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics/Univ. de Murcia)
- Emilio Torrente-Luján (Univ. de Murcia/CERN)
Technical Organisation Committee:
- Álvaro García Navarro (U. Murcia)