Humanitarian Foresight & Futures Co-creation Workshop
Humanitarian Co-creation Workshop
Foresight & Futures
In this edition of the humanitarian foresight & futures co-creation workshops we aim to focus on six pre-identified work streams and to generate tangible next steps for these multi stakeholder initiatives. In a small group of up to 25 participants we try to brainstorm and to use strategic foresight methods for the different work streams.
Members of following organisations are participating: CERN, Changemakers Lab, Development Initiatives, GAHI, GCSP, GHL, Globe Expert, GMAP, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Handicap & Inclusion, ICRC, Impact Initiatives (REACH), Incitare, IOM, trans.form, UNDP, UNHCR, UNITAR, UNOPS, WeRobotics ...
3 CusineLab chefs from Iran, Sri Lanka and Eritrea will cook, discuss and eat with us during the 2 days.
A visit to the CERN Synchrocyclotron with its Projection Mapping exhibition will complete the agenda.
Work Streams
- Future Decision Makers
- How does the ecosystem of decision making & politics change?
- And how does it influence the future humanitarian operation models?
- Which strategic foresight planning can support humanitarian decision making?
- Knowledge Exchange
- Exploratory meeting to define need, challenge & opportunities
- Set basics specification and requirements
- Brainstorm a first pilot implementation
- Future of Education
- How to provide the educators the tools to educate the next generation for the world they will live in and not for the world of today?
- Future Humanitarian Roadmap
- How can we understand existing technology and industry roadmaps?
- How can we ensure we set humanitarian key specifications in these roadmaps?
- Will this allow for a better compatibility for the humanitarian use-case?
- Foresight & Futures Prize
- brainstorming meeting to explore possibility and requirements of an international foresight & futures prize in Geneva
- Future of VR, AR, MR=>XR
- How does the Individual Reality (IR) change with Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality?
- How can these tools allow for more efficient humanitarian processes?
- Abha Eli Phoboo
- Writer and communications expert, she has led activities to promote physics in South Asia. In December, she organised the first Physics Winter School in Kathmandu, as coordinator for ICTP Physics Without Frontiers-Nepal.
- Sascha Schmeling - Head of Educational Outreach and Physics Education Research - CERN
Neal Hartman - CERN, Cineglobe, LBNL, ... - Neal is the Director and President of the CineGlobe Film Festival at CERN. Simultaneously, he serves as the Director of Production for TEDxCERN, and also happens to dabble in the mechanical engineering of ultra-stable, low-mass structural design for the ATLAS experiment. He was the chairman of the World VR forum 2017. He has produced the 48 Hour Film Project in Switzerland since 2008, and is currently working on two documentaries, one featuring the world’s fastest bicycles, and one showing the inside, subterranean workings of CERN. He has co-produced two transmedia hackathons within the framework of CineGlobe, with both the Tribeca Film Institute and Festival Tous Ecrans, and produced the VR experience “Out of Body.”
- Joao Pequeno - Head of Media Lab - CERN
- Daniel Dobos - Foresight & Futures - GHL