The goals of the 2nd International Workshop on Superconducting Magnet Test Facilities
Within the HL-LHC project about 100 superconducting magnets will be produced during the period 2018-2024. Magnets of different type and size based on NbTi or Nb3Sn technology. The design of the magnets is well advanced at CERN, AUP in the U.S., and other collaborating institutes (CEA, INFN, and CIEMAT) and for most of them it is planned to build a model and a prototype magnet during the period 2016-2018.
BNL has recently finished upgrading its vertical magnet test facility to meet the requirements for testing IR Q1 and Q3 quadrupoles. The location and timing of the meeting provide an excellent opportunity to review the test requirements for IR quadrupoles and compare the requirements to the capabilities of the test stands at BNL, Fermilab, and CERN that will test these magnets.
Agenda focused on test stands with particular attention to critical questions that today the collaborations are considering crucial for a high-performance achievement in the test stands keeping the required quality of measurements.
A presentation of the magnets that are these days in the test facilities and are coming in the next coming years for other projects than HL LHC will be made just before a historical review of the BNL test facility to the Superconducting Magnet test development in the last decades. FNAL, CERN and KEK test capacity will be presented as part of a series of talk about the news in the different test stands in the word.
In addition, we are going to present how in different test stands the operation (cryogenics, powering, interlocks) are done and what kind of good practice can be learned from each other to increase testing rates. Qa/QC tools that are developed based on our needs will be presented.
After a visit to BNL facility we will come back to technical free discussion on the different sessions and decide together in which fields experience can and should be shared.
The workshop chair: Marta Bajko CERN
on behalf of the
The scientific program committee :
Stoyan (FNAL) , Toru ( KEK), Roser (CEA) and Marta (CERN)
and the program Chair :Joe (BNL)