1 November 2017 to 31 October 2019
Academy of Scientific Research and Technology
Africa/Cairo timezone

Rules for ENHEP Membership

ENHEP membership rules

Requirements for Joining ENHEP as physicist:

[1] Recent updated copy of your CV.

[2] Certified copy of your PhD diploma in CMS.

[3] The period of your PhD should not be less than 3 years (a proof is needed).

[4] The title of the PhD should be in fields directly related to CMS experiment (a proof is needed).

[5] Name and number of any CMS analysis note (AN) and/or technical note that you participated in, with detailed description of your own contribution in each of them.

[6] How many of these AN published or submitted as papers in peer review journals (full information about the paper and the journal are needed)? If not then send us the Physics Analysis Summary (PAS) of the analysis.

[7] For the published or submitted papers we need to know the CMS Analysis Database Interface (CADI) line of the analysis, which can give us information about the list of main real analysis authors, the ARC committee, comments by the ARC committee to the authors, pre-approval and approval talks.

[8] List of talks, seminars and conferences given by you inside CMS collaboration.

[9] At least two recommendation letters from your PhD supervisors are needed, at which they should evaluate in detail the uniqueness and quality of the work done in your PhD thesis.

[10] In addition to all above; any new member of ENHEP should spend 6 months of EPR service to Egypt, before signing any CMS paper.



Requirements for renewing the ENHEP membership:

The ENHEP membership has to be renewed every 2 years; in order to renew your ENHEP membership you should submit the following documents.

[1] Recent updated copy of your CV.

[2] Name and number of any CMS analysis note (AN) and/or technical note that you participated in, with detailed description of your own contribution in each of them.

[3] How many of these AN published or submitted as papers in peer review journals (full information about the paper and the journal are needed)? If not then send us the Physics Analysis Summary (PAS) of the analysis.

[4] For the published or submitted papers we need to know the CMS Analysis Database Interface (CADI) line of the analysis, which can give us information about the list of main real analysis authors, the ARC committee, comments by the ARC committee to the authors, pre-approval and approval talks.

[5] List of talks, seminars and conferences given by you inside CMS collaboration.

[6] List of Master and/or PhD thesis, in CMS, which you supervise (student's name, thesis title and achievements are needed).

[7] Give the list of projects which you get or applied for related to CMS experiment (title and brief description are needed).

[8] Give the list of any activities which you have done for ENHEP (as organizing summer schools, workshops, attending ENHEP meetings, seminars,...).

[9] If you are involved in any R&D projects or lab initiation or lab testing related to the formal ENHEP technical activities inside CMS experiment; please supply the following information

(a) the title of the projects

(b) starting date of the projects

(c) current status of the project and achievements

(d) specify the recent outcomes of the project (technical notes, papers, thesis, knowledge transfer, …).



* Any document, not related to activities related to CMS experiment at CERN, will not be taken by consideration and will be discarded from the evaluation.