21–26 Oct 2018
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Tracking and vertexing in BELLE II

Not scheduled


Bianca Scavino (Universität Mainz)


Belle II is a next generation B-factory experiment at the SuperKEKB collider. In early 2019 the fully operational detector will start taking data. The goal is to collect a statistics 50 times larger than the one collected by its predecessor Belle, namely an integrated luminosity of 50 ab$^{-1}$.
Belle II is designed for detecting and reconstructing particle trajectories for transverse momenta exceeding 50 MeV/c while providing excellent momentum resolution over a wide range of momentum.
In this contribution, the tracking and vertexing algorithms implemented in the Belle II software framework are presented, together with the performances on simulated $\Upsilon (4S) \rightarrow B\bar{B}$ events and on data collected during the detector commissioning phase.


Bianca Scavino (Universität Mainz)

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