22 March 2018
CET timezone
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The CERN and Slovakia officials: T. Lagrange, S. Budayova, A. Elschekova-Matisova, O. Nachtmannova, M. Steinacher, B. Bruant Gulejova, J. Birka The CERN and Slovakia officials: T. Lagrange, S. Budayova, A. Elschekova-Matisova, O. Nachtmannova, M. Steinacher, B. Bruant Gulejova, J. Birka The CERN and Slovakia officials / handshake: T. Lagrange, S. Budayova, A. Elschekova-Matisova, O. Nachtmannova, M. Steinacher, B. Bruant Gulejova, J. Birka
The CERN and Slovakia officials / handshake: A. Elschekova-Matisova, O. Nachtmannova, M. Steinacher, B. Bruant Gulejova S. Budayova (economic diplomat, Slovak Ambassy in Bern),  O.Nachtmannova (state secretary of Ministry of Education and Research of Slovak Republik), A. Elschekova-Matisova (Ambassador of Slovak Republik in Bern), B. Bruant Gulejova (Industry and Knowledge Transfer Liaison officer of Slovakia with CERN)

                     Familly photo of all participants

CERN welcome by Martin Steinacher (Director of Finace and Human Resources, CERN) and Thierry Lagrange (Head of Dep. of Industry, Procurement and Knowledge Transfer, CERN).   State Secretary of Ministry of Education and Research of Slovakia, Olga Nachtmanova, giving her address speech.    H.E. Andrea Elschekova-Matisova, Ambassador of Slovakia in Bern, giving her welcome speech. 
Industrial and Knowledge Transfer Liaison Officer of Slovakia at CERN, Barbora Bruant Gulejova, presenting the concept and vision of future collaboration.  ILO, B. Bruant Gulejova and Slovak delegation: A.Fric, J.Birka, J. Kyselovic, A. Elschekova-Matisova, O.Nachtmannova Representatives of the Slovak companies
A.Elschekova-Matisova, O. Nachtmannova, M. Steinacher, T.Lagrange, S. Budayova, N. Cisarova (right)  Official morning session of the event in the Charpak Room at CERN  Presentation about CERN from Fracois Briard (Visitors and Local Engagement Section Leader, CERN)
Presentation by Head of Procurement and Industrial Services of CERN, Anders Unnervik Head of Knowledge Transfer Group of CERN, Giovanni Anelli (left), ILO, Anders Unnervik  Posters of interesting facts about Slovakia at CERN Pas Perdu corridor near the rooms where B2B meetings took place. 
Posters of interesting facts about Slovakia in front of Charpak room at CERN.  Posters of interesting facts about Slovakia in front of Charpak room at CERN. Slovak companies at CERN, B2B meetings...