ROOT Team meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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    • 11:00 11:10
      News 10m
      SFT review took place on September 30. see slides at Discussions currently going on between reviewers. NA62 looking for a computer coordinator. They need help with the simulation and visualisation. Olivier Graphics workshop Friday October 30 at 11h00 see Olivier's slides at ; Lorenzo attending the RooStats meeting today VIZ4ALL european project proposal (Matevz contact). origin Mario Doulis LHC beams around November 15
    • 11:10 11:30
      towards version 5.25/04 scheduled for November 25 20m
      MATH: Lorenzo ============= - add fitting of sparse data (THNSparse) - add some new developments in FitPanel using RooFit factory to create fit functions - improve RooStats by fixing bugs and add a new stress tests (no major new development forseen) compare results carefully with existing classes (TRolke, TLimit, TFeldmanCousins) - add also tests for fitting and TF1 - fix binomial efficiency error in TGraphAsymmErros::Divide if ATLAS/CMS statistics committe comes with an agreed recommendation CORE: Fons ========== -graphviz installation with .a files - Bug reports - Thread safety TString, TRefCnt. - Warnings - Cling - Web site maintenance CINT: Axel ========= ideally I'd like to rip out cint7 - nothing else, except for the usual bug fixes. I/O : Philippe ========== I plan on looking (and fixing if real) oddness in the TTreeCache (don't yet whether there are illusion or not). Other possibly: - Remove inherent memory leak in MakeProject - Bug fixes in new data model evolution (renaming members, renaming base classes) - Check on possible solution to 'allow' the optimization of dictionary even if they contain dictionary for namespaces. - Fix in TTreeFormula for draw (T)string within a collection (in some circunstances it plots several times the first element) - Fix the problem with Cloning a TTree pointing at an 'evolved' streamerInfo ... - Implement ShowMember for emulated objects PROOF : Gerri =========== PROOF 1. Katerina's work (end October) 2. Improved monitoring (next week) 3. Fixing of open issues 4. PROOF-Lite on Windows XROOTD 1. New tarball with a. latest Fabrizio's fixes/improvements (sliding cache) (ready) b. Windows security modules (to be tested) c. VOMS support (draft) AoB 1. Patches in TCastorFile from S.Ponce (next week) Graphics: Olivier ============= - Link with the static version of graphviz. - Import a new version of FreeType (and fix the ICC warnings) - ICC warnings in libAfterImage (with S.Vasko). - Any urgent bug needing to be fixed... Do not forget the crash of stressGraphics on Fedora 11 :) (i.e. due to asimage problem with -O3)? GUI: Bertrand =========== - QA for the GUI (with recorder and possibly stressGUI) - Consolidation of the recorder + GUI Builder - Bug fixes
    • 11:30 11:50
      Recorder files for the release 20m
      -3 recorder files for graf2d (Olivier) -1 recorder file for Fitpanel (Lorenzo) -1 recorder file for graf3d (Matevz) -1 recorder file for the GUI in general (Bertrand) -1 recorder file for the GUI Builder -gviz/graphviz installation complete and well tested Ideally all recorder files should come with a test suite to verify that the graphics generated by the recorder is OK (a la stressGraphics). For example the FitPanel test suite should test that the objects generated and the fit results are identical to the original session.
    • 11:50 12:00
      Review of Savannah bug reports 10m
      couet : 13 pcanal : 13 moneta : 12 rdm : 11 axel : 8 ganis : 5 bellenot : 4
    • 12:00 12:10
      LLVM workshop: report by Axel 10m
      see LLVM site at :
    • 12:10 12:30
      AOB 20m