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ROOT PPP Topical Meeting: PyROOT

4/S-030 (CERN)



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Enric Tejedor Saavedra (CERN)

Topical meeting dedicated to the most recent progress on PyROOT.

Present: Pere, Lorenzo, Stefan, Xavi, Guilherme, Enric, Danilo, Jim, Philippe, Enrico


- We will implement method 1 and maybe method 2 in PyROOT now, without waiting for cppyy investigations

- Cppyy investigation: We will continue investigate 3 points: the test failures, how the pythonisations can be put back in place, how to integrate future versions of cppyy.

Integration of Cppyy and PyROOT

- Q. Do we need Cling from Cppyy? A. Yes, for execution.

- A step which is foreseeable, the final goal: PyROOT directly linked to cling w/o the ROOT typesystem in between.

Open Questions/questions:

- Pere: We need to see the treatment of the buffers in Py2 and Py3.


Connecting ROOT to Python

- It would be nice to interface any C++ object with contiguous storage into numpy arrays

- Jim: Uproot, waiting for the integration of BulkIO, provides the functionality to extract columns from TTrees

- 2 solutions are presented: pythonising a class and a Py<type>buffer. These are not exclusive, indeed we may end up having both.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:30
      Integration of PyROOT and current Cppyy 30m

      We will discuss the progress made on studying the internal structure of Cppyy and how it could be mapped (and reused) by PyROOT, to leverage on the most recent features added to Cppyy.

      Speaker: Enric Tejedor Saavedra (CERN)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Connecting ROOT to the Python world with Numpy arrays 30m

      We will discuss a proposal to use the numpy array interface to adopt the memory of ROOT objects (e.g. TMatrix, TVec) into numpy arrays. We will also discuss the possibility of using Python's buffer interface as a more generic way to achieve the same goal.

      Speaker: Stefan Wunsch (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))