Start-to-end Optimisation of the CLIC Positron Source

6/2-004 (CERN)



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Edu, ?, Jim, Neven, Vera, Ryan, Chet, Phil, Xingguang, Steffen, Andrea, Cafer, Yanling, Daniel

Yanliang presents.
Positron yield is

Spot size 5 GeV 3 GeV
2.5 mm 1.30 0.76
1.25 mm 1.94 1.03

Points to be verified:

1. Impact of the smaller primary electron beam on crystal target
2. Speak with crystal experts to validate optimized parameters
3. Feasibility of 1 T dipole magnet in the (reduced) space between the two targets
4. Double check PEDD at the amorphous target, due to the (reduced) space between the two targets



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 12:00
      Start-to-End Optimisation of the CLIC Positron Source 1h
      Speaker: Yanliang Han (Shandong University (CN))