28–30 Jan 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

From performance monitoring to predictive maintenance.

30 Jan 2019, 11:50


National Research Council - Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Roma, Italy
Presentation Scalable Storage Backends for Cloud, HPC and Global Science Scalable Storage Backends for Cloud, HPC and Global Science


Jean-Thomas Acquaviva (DDN Storage)


Storage architectures are becoming larger and deeper. This leads to a quadratic increasing of systems complexity. To address the issue more ambitious monitoring schemes are arriving to the market. A similar trend is observed for both HPC and general purpose data centers.

In this talk we will position the DDN monitoring efforts in this context, and open a more generic discussion on the advantages of applying analytics to collected measurements, the trade-off related to probes, and failure predictions.

Primary author

Jean-Thomas Acquaviva (DDN Storage)

Presentation materials