28–30 Jan 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

On the way to OCM 1.0, a first stable version ready for mass adoption

30 Jan 2019, 09:35


National Research Council - Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Roma, Italy
Presentation Synchronization/Sharing Technology & Research Sync/share Technology&Research


Mr Björn Schießle (Nextcloud GmbH)


During the last year Nextcloud took huge efforts to implement the Open Cloud Mesh API. We see this as a important building block to bring Cloud Federation to a large group of users in a vendor neutral way. As the principal authors of the concept of Cloud Federation and driving force behind it, we looked not only on what we have but also on what we want to achieve in the future. This led to many suggestion of small changes and improvements which we think should form the base for a first stable version. Throughout the year we discussed our ideas already with the broader community, gathered feedback and other vendors started to implement our proposal. This talk will give a overview of the changes we made and explains the rationale behind it. It will show how the adoption of this API enabled Nextcloud to move Cloud Federation forward and gives an outlook over our plans for the future.

Primary author

Mr Björn Schießle (Nextcloud GmbH)

Presentation materials