24–28 Jun 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Mixed QED-EW corrections for Higgs production

Not scheduled
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace

Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace

Rue Gineste 3, Brussels 1210, Belgium


Prof. Zhao Li (IHEP-CAS)


We propose an alternative approach based on series representation to directly reduce multi-loop multi-scale scattering amplitude into set of freely chosen master integrals. And this approach avoid complicated calculations of inverse matrix and dimension shift for tensor reduction calculation. During this procedure we further utilize the Feynman parametrization to calculate the coefficients of series representation and obtain the form factors. Conventional methodologies are used only for scalar vacuum bubble integrals to finalize the result in series representation form. Finally, we elaborate our approach by presenting the reduction of a typical two-loop amplitude for W boson production.


Prof. Zhao Li (IHEP-CAS)

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