3:30 PM
Field test results of self-calibrating cryogenic mass flow meter WEKASENSE
Miralem Okanovic
3:31 PM
Hybrid Positron Source for FCC-ee
Armen Apyan
(A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (ANSL))
3:32 PM
Update on study for anomalous top FCNC couplings at FCC-eh
Orhan Cakir
(Ankara University (TR))
3:33 PM
Progress on Boron synthesis technique through precursor modification for introduction of artificial pinning centers in MgB2 wires
Gianmarco Bovone
3:34 PM
FCC-hh Nb3Sn wire development: superconducting and magnetic properties of prototype samples
3:35 PM
FCC-hh Nb3Sn wire development: exploring the microstructure of prototype samples.
Alice Moros
(Technische Universität Wien)
3:36 PM
Niobium Polishing for SRF applications
Pavlina Trubacova
3:37 PM
Test rig for the experimental evaluation of turbo-compressor impeller designs for light gases
Maxime Pierre Podeur
3:38 PM
Economic analysis of superconducting magnet production
Ferdinand Mayrhofer
(WU University)
3:39 PM
Cooling of the refrigerant with chilled water before the inlet of the compressor
Fridolin Holdener
(shirokuma GmbH)
3:40 PM
Update in deposition of Nb thick films on Cu for 6 GHz cavities
Vanessa Garcia
(LNL-INFN / Ferrara University)
3:41 PM
HTS coated tapes in local magnetic field with gradients
Johannes Gnilsen
(Bruker HTS GmbH)
3:42 PM
Progress with the Deposition of Niobium Nitride Thin Films on Copper
Stewart Bristow Leith
3:43 PM
Superconducting thin films characterization at HZB with the Quadrupole Resonator
Dmitry Tikhonov
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
3:44 PM
Optimisation of a multi-stage turbocompressor architecture operating with a neon- helium gas mixture
Maxime Pierre Podeur
3:45 PM
Fluid mixtures properties modeling
Jakub Tkaczuk
(CEA Grenoble)
3:46 PM
Status and development of superconductive MgB2 wires and tapes
Mattia Donato
(ASG Superconductors SpA)
Matteo Tropeano
3:47 PM
Mechanical characterization of large grain niobium sheets for high-velocity forming of SRF cavities
Jean-Francois Croteau
(I-Cube Research)
3:48 PM
Triplet Track Trigger for Future Hadron Collider Experiments
Tamasi Kar
(Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
3:49 PM
Study on aNTGCs from D8 operators for ZZ production at FCC-hh
İlkay Turk Cakir
(Giresun University )
Orhan Cakir
(Ankara University )
3:50 PM
Comparison of the sensitivities to dimension-eight operators for anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings through pp→𝜈𝜈𝛾 process at HL/HE-LHC and FCC-hh
Haluk Denizli
(Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University)
3:51 PM
Single vector-like B-quark search in the B to tW decay channel at FCC-hh
(Giresun University)
Ismail Hakki SARPUN
(Akdeniz University)
3:52 PM
The top quark pair cross section at the threshold at FCC-ee
Mathias Mancini
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
3:53 PM
Mechanical validation of the support structure of the eRMC and RMM, the 16-T R&D magnets for the FCC
Manuel Francisco Garcia Perez
3:54 PM
Bi-2212 wire development at CNR-SPIN: GDG process as valid Over Pressure alternative for future high field applications
Alessandro Leveratto
3:55 PM
Iron-based wires and tapes produced with simple and scalable methods
Marina Putti
(University of Genova)
3:56 PM
A method for coil design of twin-aperture cos-theta superconducting dipoles based on extended sector model
Alessandro Maria Ricci
3:57 PM
Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors by Artificial Pinning Centres
Stephan Pfeiffer
(Vienna University of Technology)
3:58 PM
Test of HTS Demonstrator Coils at High Field and Variable Temperature in the SULTAN Facility
Xabier Sarasola
3:59 PM
Soldered and diffusion-bonded splices between Nb3Sn Rutherford cables for graded high-field accelerator magnets
Vincenzo D'Auria
4:01 PM
Industrialization of 16T Nb3Sn magnet production for HE-LHC and FCC
Ananda Chakraborti
(Tampere University (FI))
4:02 PM
Strong-strong beam-beam simulation for multi-IP and multi-beam in circular colliders
kazuhito ohmi
4:03 PM
Photodesorption and Photoelectron Yields from 150-nm Thin NEG Coatings
Yasunori Tanimoto
4:05 PM
Influence of longitudinal impedance on beam-beam interaction
Yuan Zhang
4:06 PM
Development of Distributed Tin method Nb3Sn wire for FCC
Shinya Kawashima
4:07 PM
Ternary phase formation in the Nb-Cu-Sn system
Jonas Lachmann
(Institute of Materials Science, TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
4:08 PM
OpenMARS Modelling Approach for Accelerator Availability Studies
Arto Niemi
4:09 PM
JAI Student Project on scSPS
Leon Van Riesen-Haupt
(University of Oxford (GB))
4:10 PM
Dynamic Pressure in the LHC - Influence of Ions Induced by Ionization of Residual Gas by Both the Proton Beam and the Electron Cloud
Suheyla Bilgen
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
4:11 PM
HTS REBaCuO coated conductors for the FCC-hh beam screen: Performance under photon irradiation at the ALBA Synchrotron Light Source
Patrick Krkotić
4:12 PM
Estimation and scaling laws of impedances and beam instabilities from LHC to FCC-hh
Daria Astapovych
(TU Darmstadt)
4:13 PM
Current Flow Analysis of Tl-1223 Superconductors by Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy and TEM Investigations
Sigrid Holleis
(Atominstitut, TU Wien)
4:14 PM
Coating the FCC-hh beam screen chamber with REBa2Cu3O7-x coated conductors
Joffre Gutierrez Royo
4:15 PM
Optimal beam dilution pattern of the FCC-hh ring using beating frequencies
Benedek Facskó
(Eötvös Loránd University)
4:17 PM
Collective effect estimates for the FCC-ee pre-booster ring
Ozgur Etisken
(Ankara University (TR))
4:18 PM
Studies of Internal Oxidation in ternary Nb3Sn at UNIGE
Carmine Senatore
(University of Geneva)
4:19 PM
High Precision Timing and High Rate Detectors in Energy Frontiers
Yasar Onel
(University of Iowa (US))
4:20 PM
Tile Multiple readout and beyond
Yasar Onel
(University of Iowa (US))
4:21 PM
Considerations for large scale production of the FCC-hh beam screens
Cedric Garion