SRF: SC RF cavities and technologies (1)
- Anne-Marie Valente (JLAB)
SRF: SC RF cavities and technologies (2)
- Cristian Pira (LNL-INFN)
SRF: RF power sources & Cryomodules
- Lek Len (DOE)
The present baseline of FCC-ee considers 400 MHz single-cell cavities for the Z-pole machine, 400 MHz four-cell cavities for the W and H modes of operation, complemented by 800 MHz five-cell cavities for the tt operation. In this presentation different higher order mode (HOM) damping schemes are compared for the four operating scenarios of FCC-ee. The longitudinal and transverse impedance of...
Longitudinal coupled-bunch instability (CBI) can be driven by not sufficiently damped high-order modes of rf cavities or/and other machine elements. To prevent them in hadron machines, where synchrotron radiation is weak, one has to rely on Landau damping. Unlike the case of accelerators with relatively low number of bunches, in which the instability thresholds can be obtained from...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is one possible future successor of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The proton-proton collider center-of-mass collision energy is set to 100 TeV with a beam current of 0.5 A. To achieve this energy a stable acceleration is critical and therefore higher order modes (HOM) need to be damped. HOM dampers, further characterized as couplers, need to...
The conceptual design report for the future circular collider (FCC) study indicated niobium on copper (Nb/Cu) as the technology of choice for the realization of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) accelerating cavities for the 400 MHz RF systems. This technology is well established at CERN and provides a significant reduction of the costs involved as compared to bulk Nb. Nevertheless, a...
The need for particle accelerators and circular colliders capable of reaching energies beyond the state of the art machines, such as the LHC, is resulting in extensive efforts on the development of the required technologies. Among the challenges, the development of new SRF cavities capable of providing higher accelerating fields is critical. To this end, among the several possibilities,...
Niobium thin film deposited on copper cavity has the potential to replace bulk niobium superconducting cavity in particle accelerators. Bulk niobium has a typical heat conductance of about 75 W/m.K at best, while for copper is as high as 300-2000 W/m.K and the cost of copper is a fraction of that of niobium. INFN Legnaro has been producing special seamless 6 GHz copper cavity from a single 2mm...
The European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden launched a project to procure and test two MB-IOTs as technology demonstrators. The MB-IOTs were designed for pulsed operation at 1.2 MW, 704 MHz, 3.5 ms pulse width with a repetition rate of 14 Hz. This talk will summarise the outline design and specification of the two MB-IOTs delivered and will describe the test...