24–28 Jun 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

A first overview of the legal and technical framework for the reuse of FCC’s proposed excavated spoil material

27 Jun 2019, 09:50
Eva/Inno (1st floor)


1st floor

Presentation Technical infrastructure & operation Infrastructure and operation


Maximilian Haas (Leoben University (AT))


This presentation follows the talk “Excavation material use strategy’” and will give an overview of the current technical and legal situation for the reuse of FCC’s proposed excavated spoil material. First results based on mineralogical, geotechnical and petrophysical analyses will be presented that are directed by the legal framework of national (France and Switzerland) as well as European Union (France) legislation therein. Special attention will be paid to advanced scientific opportunities that open up within the scope of such a multi-scale study considering the voluptuous amount of spoil.
The presentation will also include an overview of all the influencing parameters of reusing tunnel spoil and how to overcome impediments to use the excavated material in the sense of a circular economy.


Maximilian Haas (Leoben University (AT))

Presentation materials