FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Precision Measurements, Energy Calibration and Luminosity Measurement (1)
- Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Precision Measurements, Energy Calibration and Luminosity Measurement (2)
- Juan Alcaraz Maestre (Centro de Investigaciones Energรฉticas, Medioambientales y Tecnolรณgicas (CIEMAT, Madrid))
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Standard Model Precision (1)
- Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Standard Model Precision (2)
- Jens Erler (IF-UNAM)
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Detector Technology and Proposals (1)
- Yasar Onel (University of Iowa (US))
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Detector Technology and Proposals (2)
- Philipp Roloff (CERN)
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Software and simulations
- Gerardo Ganis (CERN)
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Top, Flavours, and QCD
- Alex Cerri (University of Sussex (GB))
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Higgs physics
- Sylvie Braibant-Giacomelli (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
FCC physics, experiments & detectors: Global Fits and BSM
- Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))
The beam-beam "pinch" effect at the interaction point causes the FCC-ee beam energies to increase by a small amount (60 keV at the Z pole) at the interaction point with respect to the values measured by resonant depolarization. This increase is accompanied by an increase of the crossing angle at the IP by 0.177 mrad. The centre-of-mass energy calculated with the beam energies measured by...
Improving the accuracy of the W mass measurement at or beyond the theoretical prediction would be a crucial test of the overall consistency of the SM and any deviation might reveal the emergence of new physics. With more than 2x10^8 W pairs produced at the W threshold energy and above, the FCCee collider will be a W factory and will allow for W mass measurement with unparalleled...
The unequal coupling of the Z boson to left-handed and right-handed electrons and taus produces the tau polarisation asymmetries, Ptau and ApolFB, that are related to the ratios of the effective vector to axial-vector couplings. In the context of the Standard Model, these couplings can in turn be interpreted as a measurement of the effective electroweak mixing angle. The parity violating...
Measurements of the partial widths to b-quarks normalised to the total hadronic width (Rb) and the forward-backward b asymmetry probe the fundamental charge and weak isospin structure of the Standard Model couplings for b-quarks, which are in turn sensitive to new physics. I will discuss the current status of the LEP+SLD measurements and methods, discussing the achievable precision at the...
For the FCC-ee physics programme, a precise measurement of the luminosity is
essential. The high statistics scan of the Z line shape dictates the ambitions
goals of 10^-4 precision on the absolute luminosity measurement and 10^-5 on
the relative luminosity measurement between energy scan points. The reference
process for the measurement is small angle Bhabha scattering observed by a...
The expected experimental precision of the rates and asymmetries in the Future Circular Collider with electron positron beams (FCC-ee) in the centre of the mass energy range 88-365GeV considered for construction in CERN, will be better by a factor 5-200. This will be thanks to very high luminosity, factor up to 105 higher than in the past LEP experiments. This poses the extraordinary challenge...
The global fit of the Standard Model predictions to electroweak precision data, which has been routinely performed in the past decades by several groups, led to the prediction of the top quark and the Higgs boson masses before their respective discoveries. With the measurement of the Higgs boson mass at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, the last free...
We present the first comprehensive analysis of the unitarity thresholds and anomalous thresholds of scattering amplitudes at two loops and beyond based on the loop-tree duality, and show how non-causal unphysical thresholds are locally cancelled in an efficient way when the forest of all the dual on-shell cuts is considered as one. We also prove that soft and collinear singularities at two...
The unprecendented precision goal of the future FCC-ee machine in key measurements in the Standard Model and beyond will require that the accelerator luminosity is know with extremely high accuracy, at the $10^{-4}$ level and even better. In this context, QED processes (and their accurate theoretical prediction) play the role of precise luminosity monitoring processes: together with the...
New general-purpose particle detectors are foreseen to probe electron-positron (ee), electron-hadron (eh) and hadron-hadron collisions (hh). A conceptual design report is due in 2019 for all FCC collider and detector options. Baseline designs for the various Detector magnets were developed.
For FCC-ee two detector magnet variants were defined, a 7.6 m bore and 7.9 m long classical 2 T...
Calorimetry using liquid Argon (LAr) as active material has been successfully used in many high energy physics experiments. It has been intensively studied as a promising candidate for the electromagnetic calorimetry for FCC-hh where - due to the extreme radiation environment - this technique was chosen for the reference detector. In this presentation the prospects of LAr calorimetry for an...
Dual Readout Calorimetry measures scintillation light and Cerenkov light on the same hadron shower to correct the jet energy to compensate hadron and jet energy measurements,We present dual readout calorimetry with scintillator and Cerenkov tile readout and beyond to multiple tile readout, with superior energy resolution, radiation resistant ionization sensors in the form of tiles (inorganic...
Future HEP experiments require detailed simulation and advanced reconstruction algorithms to explore the physics reach of their proposed machines and to design, optimise, and study the detector geometry and performance. To synergise the development software efforts, the CERN EP R&D road map proposes the creation of a "Turnkey Software Stack", which is foreseen to provide all the necessary...
Software plays a major role in all phases of High-Energy Physics research, from the processing of the first particle collisions to the final end-user analyses. Therefore, the quality of all software products involved must be ensured in order to achieve successful results now and in the future. Quality of software is heavily correlated to multiple stages of the software development process as...
The forward-backward asymmetry of b-quarks measured at LEP in e+eโ collisions around the Z pole, $A^{0,b}_{FB}|^{exp}$=0.0992ยฑ0.0016, remains today the electroweak precision observable with the largest disagreement (2.8ฯ) with the Standard Model theoretical prediction, $A^{0,b}_{FB}|^{th}$=0.1037ยฑ0.0008, and thereby also the weak mixing angle $\sin^2\theta_{W}$ derived from it. The dominant...
A top threshold scan at the FCC-ee could provide a measurement of the top-quark mass in a well-defined scheme with unrivaled precision as well as a determination of the top-quark width and Yukawa coupling. The threshold region is subject to two interesting effects, the strong color-Coulomb attraction between the top quarks which drives the formation of toponium resonances and the fast...
Thus far, the LHC has not discovered any new resonances with the notable exception of the SM-like Higgs boson. Nevertheless, if New Physics states (i.e., new states beyond the SM) exist but are out of reach for the LHC or even a future collider with a higher center-of-mass (CoM) energy, these resonances can manifest themselves in the growth with partonic CoM energy of certain amplitudes below...
With Higgs measurement prospects reaching the permil level at future lepton colliders, their interplay with the electroweak sector of the standard-model effective field theory is expected to become relevant. We perform the first rather complete effective-field-theory analysis covering jointly the Higgs and electroweak sectors. It allows us to investigate the impact of electroweak parameter...
Double Higgs production is suppressed in the SM and therefore it is a clean probe of new physics. In particular,
I will discuss on the effects the dimension-six operators of the SMEFT and how they will be tested by double Higgs production at future e+eโ colliders.
We discuss prospects of studying supersymmetric model at future pp circular collider (FCC) with its centre-of-mass energy of โผ100 TeV. We pay particular attention to the model in which Wino is lighter than other supersymmetric particles and all the gauginos are within the kinematical reach of the FCC, which is the case in a large class of so-called pure gravity mediation model based on anomaly...
Direct sยฌchannel Higgs production in e+eโ collisions is of interest if the collision energy spread can be comparable to the natural width of the standard model Higgs boson. At the Future Circular e+ eยฌ Collider (FCCยฌee), a monochromatization scheme could be employed in order to reduce the collision energy spread to the target value. This may be achieved by introducing a nonยฌzero horizontal...
We propose an alternative approach based on series representation to directly reduce multi-loop multi-scale scattering amplitude into set of freely chosen master integrals. And this approach avoid complicated calculations of inverse matrix and dimension shift for tensor reduction calculation. During this procedure we further utilize the Feynman parametrization to calculate the coefficients of...