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19–22 Mar 2019
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
US/Eastern timezone

The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theoreticians to get together and discuss experimental results from RHIC and LHC and theoretical developments. This meeting is in a workshop format, with only plenary presentations and ample room for discussion between the presentations.



  • Nuclear modifications of the parton distribution functions
  • High pT jet production in pp, pA and AA
  • High pT parton propagation in matter
  • Nuclear modifications of the fragmentation functions
  • Correlations of jets and leading particles
  • Direct photons, heavy flavor, quarkonia
  • Multiparticle effects
  • Forward physics
  • Small systems


The workshop will be organized by the University of Tennessee. The workshop will start on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 9:00 and end on Friday, March 22, at 17.00.  There is an additional unofficial excursion to hike in the Smoky Mountains on Saturday March 23.

This workshop will be preceded by an ALICE-USA meeting 16-18 March and a symposium in honor of Miklos Gyulassi's 70th birthday on 18 March.  Please register for these events separately.

We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville, TN