Mu3e is going to hunt for the charge lepton flavour violating decay of a antimuon into two positrons and an electron. A high rate of 10^8 muons/s is stopped on a target and the decay vertex as well as the decay particles momenta are reconstructed in a thin four layer pixel tracker in a magnetic field.
High-Voltage monolithic active pixel sensors are chosen as baseline for the tracker as they offer a high integration level at low material budget. The first large scale prototype, MuPix8, has been integrated in a tracking telescope with up to eight tracking layers framed by scintillating tiles for additional precise time information.
The telescope has been used to study the efficiency, time resolution and noise of the MuPix8 and three other monolithic sensors with a similar readout architecture.
The talk covers the concept of the DAQ system, its rate capability and the monitoring features. The online efficiency calculation and track reconstruction are discussed subsequently and finally a selection of highlights from testbeam campaigns in 2018 is presented.