16–19 Apr 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

63 / 63
Mr Victor Guada (Jozef Stefan Institute)
17/04/2019, 18:30
Dr Barry Dillon (Jozef Stefan Institute)
17/04/2019, 18:36
Darius Faroughy (Jozef Stefan Institute)
17/04/2019, 18:42
Mrs Marija Mađor-Božinović (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb)
17/04/2019, 18:48
Aleks Smolkovič (Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana)
17/04/2019, 18:54
Dr Hermès Bélusca Maïto (Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zagreb)
17/04/2019, 19:00
Mr Krzysztof Grzanka (University of Silesia in Katowice)
17/04/2019, 19:06
Huseyin Bahtiyar (Istanbul Technical University (TR))
17/04/2019, 19:12
Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))
18/04/2019, 17:05

I will discuss the interplay between EW and Higgs measurements at future colliders.