The flavor puzzle remains one of the outstanding questions in particle physics. Several mechanisms predicting large hierarchies among the different fermion masses with anarchic parameters exist on the market. Among them, models with warped extra dimensions stand out since they also address the quadratic sensitivity of the Higgs mass. However, up to now, fermion bulk masses controlling the...
The mirror twin Higgs framework allows for a natural Higgs mass without the need for colored partners. This mechanism relies crucially on a discrete symmetry which relates each standard model field to a mirror partner. In the minimal realization, the twin Higgs scenario provides only one low-energy connection between the visible and twin sectors, the light Higgs boson. In this talk, I will...
Axion like particles (ALPs) with coupling to photons or gluon have long been postulated as extension to the Standard Model.
In this talk we explore different probes of ALPs at different energy scales up to the QCD scale.
We ALPs at photon beam experiments and at superconducting radiofrequency cavities.
We shall review simplified Z' models as explanations for discrepancies between measurements of certain neutral current B meson decays and Standard Model predictions. We provide estimates of LHC and future collider sensitivity. Then a more complete model is introduced: The Third Family Hypercharge Model, which also explains some coarse features of the fermion mass spectrum.
We explore some aspects of models with two and three SU(2) scalar doublets that lead to mass degeneracies among some of the physical scalars. We also study the CP properties of some models in the presence of discrete symmetries.
The Z-Penguin is generated at one-loop level in the Standard Model and
its renormalisation requires cancellations between involving triple
gauge triple gauge couplings and fermion gauge couplings. In this talk
I will discuss how the renormalisation can be extended to generic
extensions of the Standard Model using models that fulfil perturbative
unitarity constraints or, equivalently, models...
Searches at the LHC have placed the naturalness paradigm under pressure. In this talk I will introduce a novel class of composite Higgs models in which the top and gauge partners responsible for cutting off the Higgs quadratic divergences form a gapped continuum. The new continuum states in this scenario cannot be described as Breit-Wigner resonances, drastically changing their LHC...