Higgs & Top at LHeC



CERN - Tokyo - Liverpool - Johannesburg - Beijing - Hamburg
    • 1
      Hbb coupling measurement
      Speakers: Masahiro Tanaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)), Tatsuyuki Sekine (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
    • 2
      Liverpool studies
      Speaker: Uta Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 3
      H to phiphi to 4b
      Speaker: Mr Chen Zhang (Peking University)
    • 4
      Recoil Mass in NC DIS
      Speaker: Dr Kechen Wang (DESY / IHEP)
    • 5
      Status of Wits Studies
      Speakers: Mukesh Kumar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)), Xifeng Ruan (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))
    • 6
      FCNC top-Higgs couplings
      Speaker: hao sun (DaLian University of Technology)
    • 7
      Top-q-gamma FCNC
      Speaker: Orhan Cakir (University of Ankara (TR))

      Orhan has presented recent updates on top FCNC tqV couplings at LHeC anf FCC-eh. 

      Exclusion limits at some significance level have been discussed. He will prepare slides for 

      the workshop.

    • 8
      Study on anomalous triple gauge couplings at LHeC and FCC-eh
      Speaker: Orhan Cakir (University of Ankara (TR))
    • 9
      Probing hhh triple Higgs boson coupling at LHeC
      Speakers: Ruibo Li, Tao Xu