10:00 AM
“Holography for physical systems”
Johanna Erdmenger
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
(BLD 46, LT B)
10:30 AM
“Experimental status of supersymmetric models”
Werner Rudolf Porod
(Julius Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))
(BLD 46, LT B)
11:00 AM
“Walking Technicolor in the light of Z searches at the LHC”
- Prof.
Alexander Belyaev
(University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
(BLD 46, LT B)
11:30 AM
“Excluding holographic predictions for technicolour”
Nick Evans
(BLD 46, LT B)
10:00 AM
“Composite Higgs models and their UV completions”
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
(BLD 46, LT B)