Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
To date most studies of Neutrino Factories have focused on facilities
where the energy of the muon in the storage ring has been in the range
of 25-50 GeV. In this contribution we present a concept for a
low-energy (≈ 5 GeV) Neutrino Factory (LENF). For baselines of
O(1000 km), the rich oscillation pattern at low neutrino interaction
energy (0.5—3 GeV) provides the uniquely good sensitivity to leptonic
CP violation and the determination of the neutrino mass
hierarchy. It has been shown that the LENF outperforms any
reasonable super-beam experiment. A novel neutrino detector with
low energy threshold and excellent energy resolution is needed,
however, in order to exploit this oscillation pattern. We will
describe the basic accelerator facility, demonstrate the
methodology of the analysis and give an estimate on how well the
low-energy Neutrino Factory can measure θ_{13}, CP violation, and
the mass hierarchy. We discuss different options for the far
detector and consider their physics reach. Moreover, we find that
the experiment also has good sensitivity to non-standard
interactions and that this can be enhanced by the inclusion of the
electron-neutrino appearance channel. Finally, we elaborate on the
detector concept that is used to exploit the electron channel and
indicate what R&D is still needed.
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)