Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino rate with 3 MeV energy threshold in the Borexino detector

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Aithousa Mitropoulos

Aithousa Mitropoulos

Megaron, Athens - Greece


Dr Davide Franco (Milan University & INFN)


We report the measurement of neutrino electron elastic scattering from 8B solar neutrinos with 3 MeV energy threshold by the Borexino detector at Gran Sasso Laboratories. The rate of solar neutrino induced electron scattering events above this energy in Borexino is 0.217+-0.038 (stat)+-0.008 (syst) c/d/100 t, in good agreement with the predicted rate by the Standard Solar Model and including the LMA-MSW neutrino oscillation model. Assuming the 8B neutrino flux predicted by the high metallicity Standard Solar Model, the average 8B neutrino survival probability above 3 MeV is measured to be 0.29+-0.10. (On behalf of the Borexino Collaboration)

Primary author

Dr Davide Franco (Milan University & INFN)

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