Improvements in the Statistical Sensitivity of the MINOS Muon-Neutrino Disappearance Measurement

Not scheduled
Aithousa Mitropoulos

Aithousa Mitropoulos

Megaron, Athens - Greece


Jasmine Ratchford (University of Texas)


The recent MINOS measurement of disappearance studies the survival of muon-neutrino charged-current interactions at the MINOS Far Detector so as to identify the neutrino flavor and total energy in the detector. Our newest results include new samples to increase the statistical sensitivity of the measurement. These include including charged-current events originating in the upstream rock surrounding MINOS, events outside the fiducial volume near the edges of the detector, and events with a non-negative muon curvature; such non-negative curvature events can arise from muon-neutrino charged-current in which the curvature is improperly measured or from charged-current interactions of antineutrinos. Each sample is considered separately. Additionally, we have implemented a new event classification algorithm which separates charged-current from neutral current interactions in the detector, making it more efficient to identify very low-energy events below oscillation maximum. We further increase our sensitivity to the oscillation parameters by using a Feldman-Cousins style analysis over the previous nuisance parameter fit for oscillations. This poster will discuss each of these analysis improvements and their impact on the 7e20 protons-on-target analysis, which doubles the data accumulated for the 2008 MINOS analysis.

Primary authors

Jasmine Ratchford (University of Texas) Matthew Strait (University of Minessota)

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