Gavin Davies
(Lancaster University)
T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) is a long-baseline neutrino experiment with the primary purpose of measuring the mixing angle theta-13, using a muon-neutrino beam which is produced at the J-PARC accelerator facility and aimed towards the far detector, Super-Kamiokande. A near detector located 280m from the neutrino production target, the ND280, will be used to measure the neutrino energy spectrum, flavour content and interaction rates of the un-oscillated beam and to predict the neutrino interactions at Super-Kamiokande. The downstream module of the ND280 electromagnetic
calorimeter, the DS-ECal, is now in situ and taking data. Work on calibrating and understanding the DS-ECal is ongoing and this poster will
present the attenuation correction method employed in the calibration
chain using cosmic ray data from the detector's commissioning days at CERN
and with data from Tokai.
Gavin Davies
(Lancaster University)
Melissa George
(Queen Mary, University of London)