Variation of the neutrino beam at diffraction of electron neutrino on bent crystals

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Aithousa Mitropoulos

Aithousa Mitropoulos

Megaron, Athens - Greece


Prof. Victor Trapeznikov (Physicotechnical Institute of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


At the diffraction of a neutrino beam on a bent crystal the neutrino beam density increases when approaching the focus, which accelerates the processes of mixing and oscillations and the processes of the transformation of electron neutrinos into muon neutrinos and tau neutrinos with masses exceeding the mass of electron neutrinos by several orders. In the focus there will be the maximal density of heavy neutrinos. Further transformation of neutrinos into even heavier particles is possible until a related particle without charge and having moment like a neutron-type particle or hydrogen-type plasma is formed like in the process ν(e) + n --> e- +p on the Sun, where ν(e) is electron neutrino, n is neutron, e- is electron and p is proton. This will lead to a significant increase of the interaction of heavy neutrino with matter. Such possibility is thought to be promising for the purpose of creating a new kind of renewable energy or for the analysis of the matter condition, which is beyond the limits of exposure and for analyses by other methods; for example, for the evaluation of the Earth matter seismic activity at a significant depth from the surface in the conditions of a brewing earthquake like in the case of the predicted strongest earthquake in California with the magnitude equal to 8 and the probability of 60% within 30 years (in the nowadays mass media information, the force of the earthquake is said to be even stronger, i.e. with the magnitude equal to 9). The method of increasing the neutrino beam density due to the diffraction on bent crystals at bringing the secondary extinction of the crystals to a minimum and, consequently, the beam density to a maximum can be considered as a method for investigating the expected Universe compression.

Primary author

Prof. Victor Trapeznikov (Physicotechnical Institute of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

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