Massive neutrino in a rotating medium: new neutrino trapping mechanisms in neutron stars

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Aithousa Mitropoulos

Aithousa Mitropoulos

Megaron, Athens - Greece


Mr Ilya Balantsev (Moscow State University)


We obtain the exact solution of the Dirac equation for the neutrino wave function in the presence of medium and evaluated the neutrino energy spectra for two particular cases: 1) neutrino propagation in transversally moving with increasing speed medium and 2) neutrino propagation in rotating medium. It is shown that in both cases the neutrino energies are quantized in a way as the electron energy is quantized in a constant magnetic field. These phenomena can be important for astrophysical applications, for instance, for physics of rotating neutron stars. Reference I. Balantsev, Yu. Popov, A.Studenikin, Nuovo Cimento C, 32, 2009, 53.

Primary author

Mr Ilya Balantsev (Moscow State University)


Prof. Alexander Studenikin (Moscow State University) Prof. Yury Popov (Moscow State University)

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