Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

28 January 2019 to 1 February 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

List of participants

80 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
't Hooft Gerardus Institute for Theoretical Physics
Abel Steven IPPP, Durham University
Anselmi Damiano Department of Physics, University of Pisa
Bezrukov Fedor University of Manchester (GB)
Brdar Vedran MPIK Heidelberg
CHAKRABORTY SRIJA Scuola Normale Superiore
De Bianchi Silvia Autonomous University of Barcelona
de Oliveira Salles Filipe Brazilian Center for Research in Physics
Donoghue John University of Massachusetts
Edery Ariel Bishop's University
Eichhorn Astrid Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg
Elander Daniel Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier, CNRS
Evans Jason L Korea Institute for Advance Study
Franceschini Roberto Rome 3 U.
Frigerio Michele Laboratories Charles Coulomb
Gaddam Nava Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University
Ghilencea Dumitru IFIN
Gong Jinn-Ouk Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Guendelman Eduardo Ben Gurion University
Heikinheimo Matti University of Helsinki
Hektor Andi NICPB
Helmboldt Alexander Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
Herrero Valea Mario EPFL
Hill Christopher Fermilab
Holdom Bob University of Toronto
Hong Deog Ki Pusan National University
Im Sang Hui Pusan National University
Iso Satoshi KEK
Jizba Petr Czech Technical University in Prague
Kamada Kohei RESCEU, Univ. of Tokyo
Kang Sin Kyu Seoul Tech
Karam Alexandros National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB)
Karananas Georgios LMU Munich
Kim Hang Bae Hanyang University
Kiritsis Elias APC , Paris and University of Crete
ko pyungwon Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Kobakhidze Archil The University of Sydney
Kwapisz Jan Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Lee Hye-Sung KAIST
Lee Hyun Min Chung-Ang University
Lee Seung J. Korea University
Lindner Manfred Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
Mannheim Philip University of Connecticut
Markkanen Tommi Imperial College London
Martinelli Guido Università La Sapienza
Mazumdar Anupam Van Swinderen Institute
Menezes Gabriel Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
Modesto Leonardo Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Nicolai Hermann Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics
Oda Kin-ya Osaka University
Okui Hisashi Niigata University
Ouyang Ruiwen National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB)
Park Seong Chan Yonsei University
Park Wanil Chonbuk National University
Percacci Roberto SISSA
Powell Christabel Sissa
Prochazka Vladimir Uppsala University
Rabinovici Eliezer Hebrew University
Rinaldi Massimiliano University of Trento & INFN
Ripken Chris Radboud University
Ross Graham Mr
Rubio Javier Helsinki University
Salvio Alberto CERN
Sannino Francesco CP3
Shaposhnikov Mikhail EPFL
Shkerin Andrey EPFL
Stelle Kellog Imperial College London
Strumia Alessandro Universita & INFN Pisa (IT)
Swiezewska Bogumila Utrecht University
Tanin Erwin EPFL
Tenkanen Tommi Johns Hopkins University
Teresi Daniele Università di Pisa
Tetradis Nikolaos Department of Physics, University of Athens
Tokareva Anna Institute for Nuclear Research
Veermäe Hardi NICPB
Vicentini Silvia University of Trento
Vikman Alexander CEICO, Inst. of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Wetterich Christof Heidelberg University
Yamada Masatoshi Heidelberg University,