25–27 Jul 2018
CSI Building
Europe/Zurich timezone


Dinner at The Waterview at Port Jefferson Country Club

26 Jul 2018, 19:00
Building 725 room 2-124 (CSI Building)

Building 725 room 2-124

CSI Building


The price per person is 60 dollars which includes tax and gratuity. The menu will consist of four courses (appetizer, salad, choice of 4 main course selections, and dessert) and also includes beer and wine. If you have never visited before, the Waterview restaurant has magnificent views of the Long Island Sound.
Someone will be designated to collect the $60 dinner fee on the first day of the Workshop (we can provide receipts on request if necessary). Please let me know if you plan to attend so I may confirm an accurate reservation. Thank you so much. Suzanne Junk (suzanne.junk@bnl.gov)

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