US ATLAS / CSI Workshop at BNL, July 25-27 2018
Building 725 room 2-124
CSI Building
An open workshop sponsored by US ATLAS and the Computational Science Initiative (CSI) at BNL to explore the application of GPUs and other coprocessors, machine learning, and next-generation HPCs to ATLAS Software & Computing, and to identify projects and collaborative efforts by which CSI expertise can be brought to bear on ATLAS S&C challenges.
The workshop is an early activity of the new US ATLAS activity area on HL-LHC Computing, charged to give attention to engineering our software for coming HPC generations and in particular the first Exascale machine anticipated in 2021.
The workshop will be held in BNL's new computing center building, the CSI building, 725, room 2-124 (the training room). Long time BNL visitors will know this as the first light source building. Map is here.
Remote connection: see the BlueJeans connect info attached.