US ATLAS / CSI Workshop at BNL, July 25-27 2018

Building 725 room 2-124 (CSI Building)

Building 725 room 2-124

CSI Building

Eric Christian Lancon (BNL), Heather Gray (LBNL), Srini Rajagopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Torre Wenaus (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))

An open workshop sponsored by US ATLAS and the Computational Science Initiative (CSI) at BNL to explore the application of GPUs and other coprocessors, machine learning, and next-generation HPCs to ATLAS Software & Computing, and to identify projects and collaborative efforts by which CSI expertise can be brought to bear on ATLAS S&C challenges.

The workshop is an early activity of the new US ATLAS activity area on HL-LHC Computing, charged to give attention to engineering our software for coming HPC generations and in particular the first Exascale machine anticipated in 2021.

The workshop will be held in BNL's new computing center building, the CSI building, 725, room 2-124 (the training room). Long time BNL visitors will know this as the first light source building. Map is here.

Remote connection: see the BlueJeans connect info attached.

    • 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
      Wed: the landscape, the problems, discussions on potential help and collaboration

      Includes a series of software domain talks, each opening with an overview of the domain for a non-specialist audience, and in the latter part of the talk drilling down to the status and potential for reengineering (MT, GPU utilization, applying ML, …), plus generous discussion time to discuss the prospects. Share understanding of the software, physics objectives, characteristics of existing apps, performance analysis, porting potential.

    • 7:00 PM 8:00 PM

      Dinner moved to Wed instead of Thu. See Thu for info.

    • 9:00 AM 6:10 PM
      Thu: zeroing in on specific proposals, activities and collaborations. Perspectives on the problems
    • 7:00 PM 9:00 PM
      Dinner at The Waterview at Port Jefferson Country Club

      The price per person is 60 dollars which includes tax and gratuity. The menu will consist of four courses (appetizer, salad, choice of 4 main course selections, and dessert) and also includes beer and wine. If you have never visited before, the Waterview restaurant has magnificent views of the Long Island Sound.
      Someone will be designated to collect the $60 dinner fee on the first day of the Workshop (we can provide receipts on request if necessary). Please let me know if you plan to attend so I may confirm an accurate reservation. Thank you so much. Suzanne Junk (

    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Fri: Hackathon and brainstorming
      • 9:00 AM
        ATLAS software build and instrumentation hackathon 1h 30m
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee 20m
      • 10:50 AM
        Software reengineering prospects brainstorm 1h 40m
        • what software components and workflows are most amenable to attack for exascale

        • potential for the codes on different architectures, look for porting problems to attack

        • looking at the codes with rewrite potential in mind, develop strategies for porting, if we can do sufficient homework beforehand.

      • 12:30 PM
        Next steps, what to pursue and with what priorities 30m