Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–15 Feb 2019
ECT* Trento
Europe/Zurich timezone


The template package alphas_2019_proceeds.tar.gz for the proceedings (no strict page limit, but typically 2-4 pages) can be downloaded here:

To prepare your contribution follow these steps after downloading the proceedings package:

$> tar -xvzf alphas_2019_proceeds.tar.gz

Copy the file to the corresponding <yourname>.in where <yourname> is your name in CamelCase. Then find a commented line including <yourname> in alphas_2019_proceeds.tex and activate (uncomment) it. It will look like this:


Now you are ready to modify the text, add figures, tables, and bibliography. For compilation:

$> pdflatex alphas_2019_proceeds.tex

Once you are done, please send your file <yourname>.in (plus figures, if any) to the editors via email.

The deadline for individual contributions is 15 April 2019 (before Easter).

A draft summary of the discussions of the workshop will be provided to all participants via a shared link, so that everybody can contribute and give their opinion.