Convener: Dr Ben Shepherd, Science and Technology Facilities Council
The achievable field strength of the bending magnets dominates the size of a circular hadron collider. FCC aims at achieving a sustained field of up to 16 Tesla based on Nb3Sn LTS with adequate quality for safe and efficient operation at temperatures higher than superfluid Helium. It also investigates alternatives with A15-type and novel HTS-based magnets. In addition, magnet technology needs advances in mechanical design, electrical insulation and quench protection. Involving industry participation can lead to direct impacts on applications. An increase of the magnetic field by a factor 2 to 3 can significantly reduce real-estate of ion sources and accelerators for the production of radionuclides and ion therapy. Reliable field strengths and qualities beyond 10 Tesla open the door to affordable and compact Nuclear Magnetic Resonance analysis. Better efficiency of magnets eases the requirements on cryogenic systems, thus leading to increased stability and lower cost.