1:00 PM
1:05 PM
ALICE HMPID detector
Soma Benedek Faber
Tomas Stefanov
1:20 PM
The ALICE experiment simulation: trigger acceptancy and efficiency
Bohdan Glisevic
Dorota Porubska
Katarina Vosovicova
Polak Marcel
1:35 PM
Measurement of ALICE Central Trigger Partition (CTP) inputs
Bohdan Glisevic
Dorota Porubska
Katarina Vosovicova
Marcel Polak
1:50 PM
CERN Tape Archive monitoring
Ema Podhorna
Filip Pajkos
Jozef Skokan
2:15 PM
Analysis of the Higgs boson production at the ATLAS experiment
Anna Sodomkova
Jakub Stavina
Sara Banovska
2:35 PM
Atomic clock stability detector
Dominik Caban
Patrik Horsky
2:50 PM
Dual channel RF power meter with ethernet connectivity
Alexander Miskov
Martin Petrek
3:05 PM
Neutrino Platform Outreach Webpage
Radoslava Hatalova
Veronika Ucekajova
3:35 PM
Reproducible science, containerised workflows, and CMS dimuon mass spectrum analysis
Radovan Lascsak
Roland Dobos
3:50 PM
CERN Open Data: managing and exposing education and research data from particle physics
Adam Novorolnik
Filip Maxin
4:05 PM
Response of the straw detector to ionizing radiation and calibration
Kristina Julia Jarinova
Richard Rippel
4:20 PM
4:40 PM
Closing Ceremony